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Regd. DL(ND)-11/6158/2012-13-14 TELEWAVE A HOUSE JOURNAL OF ALL INDIA BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED EXECUTIVES’ ASSOCIATION NEWS FLASH BSNL Corporate office issued order on 04.11.2015 regarding appointment of Shri Rakesh Kumar Mi al, GM, MTNL to the post of Director (Consumer Mobility), BSNL for a period of five years from the date of his assumpon of the chargeofthepostorllthedateofhissuperannuaon,orunlfurtherorders,whicheveristheearliest. The Forum of BSNL Unions and Associaons has given a call to launch it's ambious 100 day programme of the "Service With A Smile" (SWAS) from the New Year Day, i.e., 01.01.2016. The CMD BSNL has formally inaugurated this programme at the BSNL Corporate Office on 30.12.2015, in the presence of the Forum leaders and administered the pledge. CMDinformedthattherefundofRs.1250CroresonaccountofUSOSubsidyduefor2012-13isreleasedbyDoT. Joint Forumwasintheforefronttofightfortherefundanditwasoneofourmajordemandinthelaststrike. BSNL Corporate office issued order on 05.11.2015 regarding requirement of APARs of all working AGM/DE(T)s on regularbasisforconsideringthemforpromoontoDGM(T)aspereligibility. BSNLCorporateOfficeissuedorderon13.01.2016regardingreviewofGSMMobileServiceConneconfacilitybelow JAG level wherein approval is conveyed for extension of GPRS/3G facility under the Plan 525 on the mobile service connecon,oftheexecuvesbelowJAGlevelwithfreedatafacilityupto500MBusagepermonth. BSNL Corporate Office issued clarificaon on 19.01.2016 on the method of fixaon of pay on promoon w.r.t 2nd Pay revision order for fixaon of pay on promoon for execuve employees wherein it is clarified that the noonal increment@3%oftheexisngBasicpaymaybegrantedforfixaonofpayonpromoonoftheExecuves. BSNL Corporate office issued order on 11.01.2016 regarding Payment of IDA at revised rates @ 112.4% w.e.f. 01.01.2016. BSNL Corporate Office issued Promoon and posng orders to 13 nos. execuves in the grade of AGM/DE of Telecom FactoryStreamintheIDAscaleofpayofRs.29100-54500/- BSNL Corporate office issued direct relieving order on 03.12.2015 w.r.t. delay in relieving the execuves/officers undertransfertootherCircles/UnitsinBSNL. BSNL Corporate Office issued order on 27.11.2015 regarding appointment of 'Junior Accounts Officer (33 Nos.) on probaon'underDRquotaconsequentoncompleonof11weeksofpre-appointmenttraining. BSNL Corporate office declared results on 05.11.2015 w.r.t. Limited Internal Compeve Examinaon (LICE) for promoonofPAtothegradeofPSinBSNLCorporateOfficeheldon12.10.2015 BSNL Corporate office issued order on 05.11.2015 regarding Special Recruitment Drive (SRD) for Persons With Disabilies(PWD)inthepostofMTinBSNLfromexternalcandidates. BSNL Corporate office issued order on 05.11.2015 regarding Special Recruitment Drive (SRD) for SC, ST & OBC candidatesinthepostofTTAinBSNLfromexternalcandidates. AIBSNLEA WISHES A VERY HAPPY & PROSPUROUS DIWALI / DEEPAVALI, AND NEW YEAR 2016 TO ONE AND ALL Editor & Publisher CENTRAL HEAD QUARTERS PRAHLAD RAI VOL.-10, ISSUE - 10 CH-17-2-15, General Secretary DECEMBER-15 P&T, Chemmery Staff Quarters, Atul Grove Road, (Restricted to Members Only) E-mail : New Delhi-110001
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